'Man is a social animal.' A sentence from the civics subject books of my school days. I wish they had also included the "rules" to be followed while being social. 'Animal', that goes truly for a major categories of people existing.
Lately am repenting, why in the name of God I discontinued my karate classes during school days. Traveling in our very own Mumbai's BEST has taken me to this conclusion.
A month ago my class timing was changed to morning 7-8, because of which I am in the bus during the morning office rush hours. Coming from Ghatkopar where buses towards IIT show up in scarcity. I am mostly statued in the vertical pose.
Few days before in the bus as usual there were some senior citizens standing and a extremely cultureless fellow sitting on the reserved seats. After a long time in the traffic and heat, the elderly ladies finally spoke. They asked him "you should have got up. Didn't you see we were standing." In response, he started shouting on them "why should I ask you to sit. Cant you ask. Is it, that now I have to go about asking people to come and sit in my place", in a making fun of tone. I don't know how people will react to this but I was feeling all hot. I just wanted to hold his collar, drag him to the door and give a nice kick on his dirty bump, just throw him out. But I didn't. I just stood there thinking of what all I could have done and for what all reasons I am not doing it,
Today it was a hell in the bus. All of us a piece of sandwich named 'Mumbai traffic'. It was a catwalk below the Gandhinagar bridge. To add the sauce a old lady came with a kid, a big bag. Few of us coordinated to get her to the reserved seats. A tall man was standing just behind me. During all the hash-bash I could feel his front rub to my back. But then you can do nothing? circumstantial problems. After we all settled I felt as if he was pushing himself onto me. It happened twice. I checked behind to see if there was rush behind him simultaneously giving him a stare. It was almost my stop. As I was waiting for the people in front to get down at the stop. He pressed his front so hard to my back that even after getting down and walking all the way to the office. I felt as if his front was still stuck to my back. I couldn't do anything.
I cant learn karate, Mom says its too boyish. I cant hit that cultureless idiot coz he is a man and I would be helpless if he reverts back. Neither can I react back to the man who enjoys physical touchings in public places. He is a animal who has got rights to do as he desires and I am tied by my social 'do(s) and don't(s)'.
My social status of being a female assigns me some rules. Be shy. Be forgiving. Be sober, gentle etc etc.
(I write this not to portray the helplessness of feminine gender but to send a ray of awareness and warning to those who are ignorant of these wonderful animals. May be some day we all will come together and create a world to display our reactions)
If some men can be ANIMALS we too can be WILD!
There are several technique that I use generally in such situations (Its very common and I am sure many of us use it.)
1. Poke him with a safety pin. (Ofcourse, be sure that its intentional and not circumstancial.)
2. Shout out loud so that every person in the bus is looking at the accused and make him feel embarrassed so that he stops right away.
Personally, I would prefer method 1 coz since its difficult in such situations to prove that the accused did it, we too are spared. It would difficult to blame our actions. If they can do, so can we.
Ofcourse, its always better to know a self defence technique.
Hai Seeja, first a fall learning karate is not at all boyish and even if someone says, i think its 100time better than experiencing the Mumbai traffics side, fornt and back effects. I myself regularly travel in mumbai bus, so can better understand what u have experienced.
I always discuss this with mridula, things wont change even if u r traveling in AC bus, private bus, auto or even if waling on road. We cant change every other persons attitude , so best way to change ur self. You be so strong that no one will even dare to mess up with you.
I am telling you this because i have done this, i have joined karate class at the age of 20 and still continuing it. And seriously it helps a lot. U can get to know lots of self defense technique. In fact our coach had shown us some technique that we can use in bus [;)]
U only said this in ur post
"May be some day we all will come together and create a world to display our reactions)"
dear to do this u need to be strong.
Today it was a hell in the bus. All of us a piece of sandwich named 'Mumbai traffic'. This picture not only for bus it's also related with trains....
This is true......."muzse achha aur kaun bata satka hai"...... and in a rainy season ....god save us.!!!! There is no way to walk also.... but still it's life....
Thank you Mridula, Bhakti and Swati. I guess all of us face it suffer thru it.
They were some handy techniques
Day by day I am getting closer to my decision to learn karate and I surely will do so. Its always better to have your security in your hands rather than 'ram bharose'
I know no place is idle to feel secured but I think the attitude 'its life' is the reason it just gets worst.
Hi dee, nice post.......i had been thinking of posting in my own blog abt the hectic buss travels i've been having recently.......i haven't as yet had any bad incidents thank god !
(except wen i fell down in a heap while getting off......but the "kili" was gud enuff to catch me....) ....anyways i thnk its best to react. i mean atleast verbally. I know its easier said than done. creating a scene in public is next to getting crucified but still perhaps if we gather enuff guts to tackle a guy then perhaps we will be preventing him from doing it to others in the future ....i remember once a male friend of mine was disturbed by a gay in the bus. I was curious to know how he reacted. Well he ofcourse shouted at the guy and got the conductor to throw out the gay from the bus. I suppose girls and boys are made different emotionally but just maybe we can learn sumthings from boys as well.......
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