Thursday, April 24, 2008

Aye! auto . . .

I have been fighting for a new sweater for more than a week now. The one I have is old fashioned. Still mom has not bought it. Leaving for the class I slam the door behind me.
" Satyam Complex " he nods his head indicating to get in. Its cold February month around 7pm, the coldest in years. I tuck my hands into the thick sweater, " it's so so cold, poof! " saying that I cover my head with the hood. " In my 40yrs of driving rickshaw in Mumbai this is the coldest. ", he confirms. He is around 60, wearing his uniform and probably a sleeveless sweater beneath, a scarf tied on his head covering his ears. That is all !!??. The rickshaw turns right to get on the highway. I try to stick close to the sides of the rick to avoid the cold winds hitting me. I ask him doesn't he feel the cold driving in speed on the open highways. Thinking of which a chill runs through my body. " I drive till around 12 in the nite. It is much colder then. Yesterday I went to Bandra for a trip. It was freezing. They recorded the lowest temperature there, 9.4*C. But what to do I have no options. This is my bread and butter. If I sit home saying I feel cold, my wife, kids and grandchildren will starve. I have to be out, for them to be warm. " Listening to this I look at my sweater and the picture of my warm, cozzy room comes to my mind. " We have to do this, I do feel the cold, on some days I have fever too but . . . " And he coughs heavily. Suddenly I start feeling warm, dont know why? The rest of the way we both keep mum except for him coughing occasionally. A right turn and its my destination. The meter shows 17:00. I give him 20 Rs, seeing him struggling for getting the balance coins, "Uncle keep the change. " He has a smile on his face still searching for the coins. "Thank you, Uncle " He raises his hand and starts the engine.
I read somewhere, Mahatma Gandhi said if you are unsatisfied for where you are and what you are getting, think of the people who are below you and who don't even have what you have.
If you are unhappy for not being able to go up. Just look down.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Movie Lessons

We watch so many movies . . . After certain movies, for days we are left thinking about the dialogues, the fabulous acting skills, the locations etc etc. and ofcourse the actors. We are so amazed by the things that are shown. One reason they publicize is ' we relate to the characters '. Recently I learnt that many people find solutions or actions for their life from these films. ' I smoke coz Sharukh does in the movies ', ' I wanted to try out sex coz I was curious after seeing it in the movies ', ' my son got spoiled coz of the idiot box ' these are the best and well known ones I remember.
I somehow find it hard to believe that the spoiling is solely done by that poor non living box. I feel that whatever happens is how that particular person reacts to wat he is watching.
I have seen so many movies and from some of the them I have had inspirations that got me through tough times. I have imbibed lessons that no living person ever told me.
With the list of movies mentioned below I share with you some of what I havc learnt.

1. Bruce Almighty
I was always so confused on how I should be praying and for whom all. I felt praying for myself was too selfish. So I used to pray for world peace and all the other social causes. Then I saw this movie and got my answer.
. . . God asks him to pray, and he prays " feed the hungry, bring peace to the world ". God says I will but is that what you really care for? Then he prays for his girl friend . . . If everyone was to pray for their loved ones. There will always be someone who is praying for you. So your stuff is being taken care off. No need to pray for oneself now, so then time to repay... Praying for the ones whom you really care about and seeing their life filled with happiness is by far means one can find satisfaction for oneself.
2. Evan Almighty
ARK - Act of Random Kindness is what we need to do to keep the spirits of mankind going on. This is what every person who has the will to do something for humanity, should atleast do! Its not about sacrificing life, taking out processions. Just an act of kindness once in a while. If each person made his ARK the world will be such a better place.

After Bruce Almighty though unknowingly my mind searches for the lessons in the movies I see. There has to be something . . . and if there is not then for me that movie is definitely a flop. The tragedy of our desi cinema is we will have to come across such cinemas quite often. So . . . same thing happened after watching 'Om Shanti Om' what do I learn from this one.

3. Om Shanti Om
" अगर तुम कुछ सचे दील से चाहो तो सारी कायानाथ उस तुमसे मीलाने मे जुड जाती हें. " If you desire something truly, wholeheartedly the whole universe will work to bring that to you. This dialog is something beautifully narrated for the famous saying, " Try try till you succeed. " In simple words, if there is anything that you are desperate for, you work hard towards getting it without having anything else in your mind and whatever else exists you try to link them to your goal. I remember the days when I was preparing ' seriously ' for medical entrance. Once I was traveling in the bus, a beggar comes towards my seat, he had Albinism. The moment I saw him my mind works out Albinism - lack of melanin pigment - genetic - recessive alleles. And this used to happen on everything relative my eyes used to catch. Though I didn't get through but that I think that I lost it in between. But I have released similar things in different phases of life and you too will if you give it a thought. Try to think of those childhood moments when you desperately wanted the toy and how you got it.
4. Parzania
God gives us only that much, how much we can bare. And through that he makes us stronger for the next one he is going to give. She looses her son but god gives her the strength to bare it. That grief only makes her stronger for the realization later that she has lost her home, belongings and everything.

On this note I will like to share a small lesson I have learnt in my life. There will always be grieving, to rich or poor, to needy and giver, to a priest or an atheist. If you pray, worship and believe truly in Him and his powers, why is there sorrows in your life? We always hear, ' God made us like Him.' What feeling do you have when someone you love stops giving you the desired attention. You try out things to get their attention. Same way, God loves us and desires certain bit of attention and when you fail in that he has this strange way of getting it. Don't we too have our own strange ways? Once you have realized this you will have a smile :) on your face with every tear drop you shed.

The list can go on and on, so for all crap during debates on the idiot box . . . Its all justified with one saying we have in Malayalam. It goes like this on translation ' the person who has jaundice finds the whole world colored yellow.' There is a better side for everything. And certain things at unexpected times help you out in unusual ways. I am thankful for the people who made television and cinema.